I feel like the last 4 years of my life has been nothing but changes! A divorce, 2 years as a single mom, a move out of our house into an apartment remarriage, moved to a new town, started homeschooling, a new baby, moved again 3 months ago..and now..ANOTHER MOVE. I'll be honest, I'm ready for some stability, to know we can be settled for a while. I need it, and I know Cade and Liam need that, also. I'm looking forward to getting to a new town, where we will make all new memories with our family...just memories from us. I LOVED living in NWA, but I have a lot of memories there that are from my old life, that didn't include Bryan, just as he has memories from this area of his old life. It's not a bad thing, but it will be nice to start over with all new memories for our family to make together. We really don't know when this move will happen, but we do know Bryan will be starting his job in the new hospital on June 9th. If we aren't living there by then, we will be spending a lot of time in a hotel until we get moved. I'm SO thankful we homeschool. It is allowing us to travel with Bryan when he needs to be in Hot Springs for work. I was able to go with him last week while the boys got some much needed time with Nana and Papa. We will all be going next week to spend the week there while Bryan works, so we'll be doing school on the road. I love that we have the option to do that!
Speaking of school, we took a spring break and are back at it now. Over the break, I took the time to change up pretty much everything we are using for school. We were all getting tired of the tons of worksheets we had to do daily, and that's not how I want our school to look anyway. So, we have switched to Heart of Dakota. We are loving it! There are so many great, quality books that we are reading now. Classics that I never even read as a kid, I'm getting to read now with my boys and I love it! They are so interested in the books and they are learning a lot. We get so much with HOD. We get history, science, poetry, Bible, music, art, grammar (for Cade), and reading. I add in my own phonics and math for them. We do everything together except for phonics and math. They do those separately, since they are on different levels. That has made our day go much smoother. During the mornings, we do all the subjects we do together, take a break for lunch and some playtime, and then they do their separate subjects after lunch. This schedule has worked really well so far. They are both learning so much, and I'm so proud of them. Liam is really catching on with reading, and Cade has just taken off with his reading! I love seeing that, considering he was struggling with reading when we first starting homeschooling. I love being able to be with them as they are learning all these new things, and I'm even learning stuff with them :)
Beckham is getting so big! He is crawling and pulling up and has let go of the couch a few times and stood without holding on. I have a feeling he is just going to take off running soon. I can tell he wants to. He has brothers to keep up with! He loves to give kisses and he is a mama's boy! He always wants me in sight, and I admit, I love it! He and I have definitely developed a strong bond. I love him so much! I even miss him when I leave him in the nursery at church, and that's just for an hour! I'm sure you can guess he and I haven't spent much time apart.
So, we have lots of exciting changes coming up! I'm looking forward to our move and getting settled. Not so much looking forward to packing up all of our stuff again. But, I know we are going somewhere that we can finally be settled for a while, so it will be worth it! I will try to keep my blog updated with our move and the new adventures we will be having!