I decided I needed to write up my birth story with Kingston before I forget many details.
My due date was September 30. That day came and I had no signs of labor starting anytime soon. We went to our community group that night, and I was sure I would be back the next week still pregnant.
The next morning, October 1st, I woke up at 6:30. I noticed a little bleeding and was feeling crampy. Bryan was getting ready for work and he travels a lot for work. I told him he should work close to home, just in case labor was starting. He ended up just working from home. We ran some errands and went to lunch. I was still having contractions and cramping. I decided to take a shower at 4:30 to see if contractions would get worse or stop. During that time, I started cramping pretty badly. I tested positive for GBS, so I knew I would need antibiotics before he was born. We decided to go to my midwife's place where I would be having him. We got there at 8:30. I was at 3.5 cm at that point. We decided to stay the night in hopes that he would be born early the next morning.
I had contractions all night and was able to get some sleep in between contractions. I was checked the next morning and was still at 3.5. I wanted to cry! Bryan and I decided to go for a walk at the park and that helped me have stronger contractions. My parents had come up to keep Beckham (the other boys were at their dad's house). We went to lunch with them and then went back and tried to nap. I was checked later tat afternoon and I was at a 5. It was so slow and I was getting very discouraged. We went another day without him being born. Contractions were getting more intense and I didn't sleep well that night.
The next morning, at 6:00, I was checked again and I was at a 6. My midwife asked if we wanted to break my water. YES!! I was exhausted and ready to get him here. She prayed with us first and then broke my water. It's such a great thing that she did because I had a TON of fluid and it was stopping him from being able to come down and dilate me more. Contractions got pretty intense at that point. I got in the tub and that helped so much. Bryan let me squeeze his hands during contractions and my midwife's helper poured warm water on my belly. It really helped me get through several contractions.
I eventually got out of the tub and contractions were so bad. I couldn't get comfortable. Before long, they were coming so close together I felt like I couldn't get a break. Bryan let them know I was really having a lot of contractions and pain now and then the room was a flurry of activity. It was almost time to meet our boy! I was really feeling the need to push, so she let me do some small pushes, but I wasn't quite ready to fully push yet. It's very hard to stop your body from pushing when that's all you want to do! I was finally ready to start really pushing. The pain of that is so intense, I can't even begin to describe it. They told me to feel his head. I think my response was "No! Just get him out!!" It's crazy how intense that pain is and then just a few seconds later, he was put on my stomach and I was overjoyed...partly because he was here and partly because the pain was over :) Kingston was born after over 48 hours of labor on October 3rd at 1:45 PM. He weighed 9 lbs 7 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long.
I had a lot of bleeding afterwards, so I had to be given a shot of Pitocin to stop it. Having Pitocin after many hours of contractions was not fun! We came home around 5 that evening and have been adjusting to our little guy ever since! I am so thankful he is here and healthy and all went well with labor and delivery. I'm so thankful for our precious Rainbow Baby!