Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thank Heaven for little boys!

I've wanted to write this post for a while, but wasn't really sure how to say it without people getting offended, so I'm just going to try :)

When Bryan and I found out we were having a baby, I'll admit, we wanted a girl. But, when we went to our ultrasound and saw that it was definitely NOT a girl, I wasn't surprised at all :) I feel like God has just called me to be a mom to a bunch of boys. It really makes me sad as I look at men in the world today. On t.v., men are degraded and made to look stupid while the women of the family seem to control everything in the family. This world has gotten away from allowing men to be who they are supposed to be.

According to the Bible (which my family believes in and tries our hardest to follow..), men are called to be the leader of the family. Men are to love their wives and wives are to respect their husbands. Very sadly, I don't see that happen a lot these days. I think if we followed the Bible's plan for the family and marriage, there wouldn't be so many divorces. I can speak boldly about this, because I have been through a divorce. I am now married to an AMAZING man who is a Godly leader. Because I know that my husband is following God's leadership and doing his best to live his life to please God, I know that I can trust where my husband leads our family.

Anyway, back to having boys. I feel that God is giving me the opportunity to raise these boys to be MEN. Men who love their families, men who strive to please God with their lives. These days, it's okay for men to be withdrawn from families. I see it SO many times and it breaks my heart. Men will come home from work and go to their "man cave" so they can do their own thing instead of being bothered by their children and wife. It's heartbreaking. I want more for my family than that, and I want my boys to grow to want more for their families as they grow and become husbands and fathers (if that's God's plan for their lives).

Thank you, Lord, for trusting Bryan and me with these boys. I pray daily that we raise them the way He wants us to and they become the men that He has created them to be. We have an opportunity to make a difference in the next generation of men and I'm thankful God is going to equip us for the task!


  1. I wasn't offended at all! I agree with you completely. We, as a society, have gotten so far off the beaten path of what God intended marriage and family to look like that the divorce rate is higher than ever. It's heartbreaking for sure.

  2. Such a great post, Audrey. Thank you! I agree 100%. This is one reason our family is a "stick in the mud" and doesn't watch many of the shows on T.V. We hate the way they portray men. It shouldn't be funny to us. Like Mark Driscoll said once, these shows make the dog look more intelligent than the dad!

  3. I totally agree with you on this and have been doing a lot of learning and growth in this area lately myself! It's sad how much society has taken away from a man's feeling of worth in the family structure.
