Monday, January 7, 2013

Picture Frame Project

We went to Hobby Lobby on Saturday so I had to think of a craft to do! We are moving to a new house at the end of this month (yay!!) so I want to get some new decorations to hang up and start redecorating our house. So, I decided to do this really cute picture project! It is super easy and it only took me a few hours to finish it. I'm probably going to add a few more frames later on, but today I just did 3 of them. 

I started with these wooden plaques that you find in the unpainted wood section of Hobby Lobby. There's a few different shapes to chose from. 

I painted the bottom coat and let it dry.

 After that, I painted the top coat of paint.

After that dried, I roughed up the edges with a nail file. I used a nail file because I didn't have sandpaper, but it got the job done!

And, that's it! Super easy to do and I think they turned out great. These are the three that I did. I need to add a few more so I can get pictures of Tyler in on one. I didn't have any pictures of him printed.

I can't wait to hang these up in our new house!


  1. so cute! and they look so easy to make! i may have to try this project!

  2. Audrey, This is Leslie Moon...saw your blog on fb so I checked it out. I absolutely LOVE these picture frames and need to try them for myself!!

    1. Leslie, they are so easy to do! I actually saw at Michaels that they have a few different shapes of wood than what I got at Hobby Lobby. I still need to make one more so Tyler can be on one!
